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Delivery partners Partnership opportunities Dried grape production systems

Dried grape production systems

Closing date: March 18, 2025

Request for Proposal

Hort Innovation is seeking a suitably qualified, experienced and capable delivery partner for the project: Dried grape production systems (DG24001).

The objectives of the services being sought are to:

  • Gain knowledge on the performance and profitability of high-yielding varieties on current and simpler more cost-effective alternative trellis systems.
  • Determine the performance of new alternative varieties on drought-tolerant rootstocks and under deficit irrigation conditions.
  • Provide growers with recommendations and guidelines on the establishment and management of new production systems in small- and large-scale operations.
  • Provide a clear indication of the cost to benefit to transition to new dried grape production systems.

Hort Innovation has prepared a Request for Proposal (RFP) document that provides background information, outlines the scope of services, the procurement process and the information required from interested parties.

The RFP may be downloaded from (you will need to be a member of to access this information).

The closing date for responses is March 18, 2025 at 3:00PM (AEDT).