Closing date: February 24, 2025
Request for Proposal
Hort Innovation is seeking a suitably qualified, experienced and capable delivery partner for the project: Future proofing onion health: management of rot diseases of onions (VN24002).
This investment aims to deliver on the following key objectives:
- Evaluate crop rotation, cover crops, and soil amendment strategies to promote inoculum decline and enhance soil resilience against Fusarium basal rot.
- Develop optimised nutrition management strategies that reduce the risk of fusarium basal rot while maintaining onion yield and quality.
- Explore nurse crop approaches to mitigate Fusarium basal rot risk, minimise crop stress, and protect seedlings during the early growth stages.
- Optimise the application of biostimulants, biologicals, and chemical treatments to maximise their efficacy against soilborne diseases in onions, with a focus on Fusarium basal rot and pink root.
- Demonstrate cost-effective disease management programs for fusarium basal rot by integrating cultural, biological, and chemical strategies across diverse environmental conditions.
- Conduct preliminary research on additional priority diseases, such as bacterial and pink root, to evaluate their prevalence, impact, and potential management solutions.
Hort Innovation has prepared a Request for Proposal (RFP) document that provides background information, outlines the scope of services, the procurement process and the information required from interested parties.
The RFP may be downloaded from (you will need to be a member of to access this information).
The closing date for responses is February 24, 2025 at 3:00PM (AEDT).