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R&D projects

Discover Almond levy investments into Almond Fund R&D initiatives

The almond levy has been invested into following Hort Innovation Almond Fund R&D initiatives, together with Australian Government contributions.

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Completed project Final Research Report

Statistical review and re-design of the National Bee Pest Surveillance Program (MT14057)

This project reviewed the effectiveness of the National Bee Pest Surveillance Program, with its recommendations leading to new and improved elements of the program.

25 July 2016

Completed project Final Research Report

Understanding practices in key pollination areas (MT13027)

This project investigated current pollination practices in the apple and pear, cherry, and blueberry industries.

26 June 2014

Completed project Final Research Report

Transformational innovation performance analysis (AI13011)

This project examined the level of innovation in the Australian horticulture industry, and its relationship to productivity.

4 September 2015

Completed project Final Research Report

Advanced processing of almonds (AL12003)

This investment supported research into advanced processing technologies for almonds, including effective aeration and dehydration, hulling, cracking and temperature sensors.

7 November 2018

Completed project Final Research Report

Australian almond industry conferences and field days 2017-2021 (AL16700)

This project supported industry events to help almond growers and supply chain participants improve their businesses.

23 May 2023

Completed project Final Research Report

An integrated disease management program for the Australian almond industry (AL16005)

This program helped growers improve the on-farm management of key almond diseases.

20 December 2022

Completed project Final Research Report

Australian almond industry communications program (AL16000)

This investment funded the almond industry communications program, including In An Nutshell newsletters and more

20 September 2019

Completed project Final Research Report

Managing almond production in a variable and changing climate (AL14006)

This project involved a detailed analysis of climate across Australian almond growing regions and trials to identify and prioritise risks arising from climate change as well as developing ways to manage expected problems

19 June 2019

Completed project Final Research Report

Management of Carpophilus beetle in almonds (AL15004)

This project investigated the species of Carpophilus responsible for damaging almond crops, and looked at the use of an attract and kill system in reducing damage by the pest.

27 September 2018