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R&D projects

Discover Almond levy investments into Almond Fund R&D initiatives

The almond levy has been invested into following Hort Innovation Almond Fund R&D initiatives, together with Australian Government contributions.

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71-74 of 74 results

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Completed project Final Research Report

Attracting and retaining young professionals in horticulture (MT11006)

This project delivered agriculture exposure to Australian science teachers and students, through the Primary Industry Centre for Science Education.

5 February 2019

Completed project Final Research Report

Impact of strategic deficit irrigation for almonds on tree phenology, bloom, nut set and hull rot (AL12010)

This project investigated the effect of strategic deficit irrigation in almond crops, including on kernel size, kernel yield, fruit set and flowering.

5 February 2019

Completed project Final Research Report

Australian almond industry study tour of Spain (AL13701)

This investment funded a 2014 study for Australian almond industry participants to learn about almond production practices in Spain.

8 July 2014

Completed project Final Research Report

Enhancing almond pollination efficiency (AL11003)

This research looked at ways to enhance pollination efficiency in almond crops to support higher yields. Hive placement, pollen traps, enpollination felt, hive health and more were explored.

23 June 2014