R&D projects
Discover apple and pear levy investments into Apple and Pear Fund R&D initiatives
The apple and pear levy has been invested into following Hort Innovation Apple and Pear Fund R&D initiatives, together with Australian Government contributions.
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21-30 of 34 results
Impact of improved inter-row management on productivity, soils and greenhouse gas emissions in apple and cherry orchards (MT12047)
The impact of improved inter-row management in apple and cherry crops was assessed through this project, in relation to greenhouse emissions and productivity.
5 February 2019
International industry analysis for DPA de-contamination, alternative treatments and review of current best practice (AP17001)
This investment reviewed technologies available for protecting apples and pears against storage disorders including superficial scalding and internal browning
30 January 2019
Managing the risk of flesh browning for Cripps Pink apples using a climate model (AP08004)
This project examined the relationship between radial flesh browning and growing temperature in Cripps Pink apples.
15 April 2014
Generation of data for pesticide applications in horticulture crops 2018 (ST17000) (ST17000a)
This investment was responsible for generating pesticide residue and crop safety data to support minor use permit applications and renewals.
9 May 2023
Profitable pears: maximising productivity and quality of new pear varieties (AP12002)
This project produced planting and management guidelines for new red blush pear varieties including Lanya (ANP-0118) and Deliza (ANP-0131).
13 December 2018
Apple and pear industry minor use permit program (AP16001)
This investment supports applications and renewals of minor use permits for the apple and pear industry
5 December 2018
Independent program coordination for apple and pear productivity program (AP14022)
This investment supported the coordination and integration of the projects that made up the apple and pear industry's 'PIPS2' program.
30 September 2019
PIPS Orchard Productivity Program – program extension (AP09031)
This project on artificial spur extinction (ASE) for crop load management in apples produced key evidence and information for growers wanting to implement the technique.
14 February 2018
MRL risk analysis for major export markets of the pome fruit industry (AP14002)
This project produced regular information on apple and pear export requirements around pesticides and maximum residue limits (MRLs).
13 June 2017
A needs analysis for integrated pest management R&D in the apple and pear industry (AP15014)
The use of integrated pest management (IPM) in the apple and pear industry was reviewed under this project.
7 May 2016