R&D projects
Discover apple and pear levy investments into Apple and Pear Fund R&D initiatives
The apple and pear levy has been invested into following Hort Innovation Apple and Pear Fund R&D initiatives, together with Australian Government contributions.
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21-30 of 38 results
Development of mass-trapping methods for codling moth females in disrupted orchards (MT12000)
This project developed and tested an effective mass-trapping method to assist in the control of codling moth populations in Australian pome fruit orchards.
5 February 2019
Using classical genetics and epigenetics to make sterile insect technology flies fitter (AI14002)
This research produced a host of genetic data relating to Queensland fruit flies, to feed into other work related to the application of the Sterile Insect Technique to the pest.
5 February 2019
International industry analysis for DPA de-contamination, alternative treatments and review of current best practice (AP17001)
This investment reviewed technologies available for protecting apples and pears against storage disorders including superficial scalding and internal browning
30 January 2019
Statistical review and re-design of the National Bee Pest Surveillance Program (MT14057)
This project reviewed the effectiveness of the National Bee Pest Surveillance Program, with its recommendations leading to new and improved elements of the program.
25 July 2016
Sustainable management of Medfly without cover sprays (MT12012)
This project developed and tested several pre-harvest Medfly control tactics for host crops in Western Australia.
1 October 2015
Generation of data for pesticide applications in horticulture crops 2018 (ST17000) (ST17000a)
This investment was responsible for generating pesticide residue and crop safety data to support minor use permit applications and renewals.
9 May 2023
Xylella coordinator (MT17006) (MT17006a)
Through the Plant Biosecurity Research Initiative, this investment supported the role and activities of a national coordinator relating to exotic bacteria Xylella fastidiosa.
14 June 2023
Enhanced National Bee Pest Surveillance Program (MT16005)
This investment delivered a nationally coordinated bee-pest surveillance program to help safeguard honey-bee and pollinator-dependent industries in Australia.
13 December 2021
Apple and pear industry minor use permit program (AP16001)
This investment supports applications and renewals of minor use permits for the apple and pear industry
5 December 2018
Improving the biosecurity preparedness of Australian horticulture for the exotic spotted wing drosophila (Drosophila suzukii) (MT17005)
This multi-industry investment improved awareness of the risks posed by spotted wing drosophila, which attacks a range of soft-skinned fruit, as well as enhanced Australia’s capacity to detect and respond to any incursions of the pest.
4 December 2018