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R&D projects

Discover avocado levy investments into Avocado Fund R&D initiatives

The avocado levy has been invested into following Hort Innovation Avocado Fund R&D initiatives, together with Australian Government contributions.

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Completed project

National avocado industry communications program (AV15002)

This project aimed to communicate relevant information to avocado growers and industry stakeholders to support their business decisions and industry competitiveness.

13 December 2018

Completed project Final Research Report

Review of national biosecurity plans (avocado and mango) (MT17003)

The biosecurity plans for both the avocado and mango industries were reviewed and updated through this project.

13 December 2022

Completed project

Avocado industry capacity building – Western Australia (AV17006)

This program built research capacity within the Western Australian avocado industry to achieve higher and more consistent production, allowing the local industry to grow and take advantage of domestic and international markets.

11 June 2024

Completed project Final Research Report

Investigating tree mortality during early field establishment (AV14012)

This project looked at the species of fungi associated with black root rot in avocado, with a view to developing a diagnostic tests and management strategies.

29 October 2018

Completed project Final Research Report

Potential impact of Chilean and Peruvian avocado imports for the Australian avocado industry (AV17004)

This investment delivered a fact-based assessment of the potential impact on the Australian avocado industry, should market access be granted for Chilean and Peruvian avocados.

28 September 2018

Completed project Final Research Report

Supply chain quality improvement – cool chain best practice guidelines (AV15010)

This investment has produced resources to allow the adoption of best-practice in avocado cool-chain management and post-harvest handling across all sectors of the avocado supply chain, from orchard to retail.

27 September 2018

Completed project Final Research Report

Implementation of recommendations from the Avocado Nursery Voluntary Accreditation Scheme review (AV16013)

This investment involved the implementation of recommendations from the review of the Avocado Nursery Voluntary Accreditation Scheme (ANVAS) to improve the scheme and its guidelines to ensure they are best placed to protect the industry's productivity and profitability.

19 September 2018

Completed project Final Research Report

Supply chain quality improvement – retailer point of purchase improvements (AV15011)

This investment worked closely with retailers to deliver education, training programs and consumer-facing tools to reduce the percentage of damaged avocados available on shelves.

8 August 2018

Completed project Final Research Report

Achieving more consistent yields of quality fruit in the Australian avocado industry (AV14000)

Grower best practice resources and workshops for producing more consistent high yields of good-quality avocados from year to year were delivered by this project.

26 April 2018

Completed project Final Research Report

Australian avocado benchmarking program development rounds II and III (AV13003)

This investment continued avocado industry benchmarking, enabling growers to identify and strive for best practice in production, packing and marketing.

18 September 2017