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R&D projects

Discover cherry levy investments into Cherry Fund R&D initiatives

The cherry levy has been invested into following Hort Innovation Cherry Fund R&D initiatives, together with Australian Government contributions.

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Completed project Final Research Report

Australian cherry evaluation utilising precocious rootstocks (CY12024)

Some 115 new cherry varieties were evaluated under this investment, with the inclusion of promising precocious rootstocks Gisela 6 and Krymsk 5.

24 October 2018

Completed project

A value chain approach to horticultural product innovation (AI13012)

This short scoping study helped identify opportunities for maximising value, use and price for Australian produce that currently is not sold as premium produce.

14 December 2018

Completed project Final Research Report

Transformational innovation performance analysis (AI13011)

This project examined the level of innovation in the Australian horticulture industry, and its relationship to productivity.

4 September 2015

Completed project

Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook 2015-2018 (AH15001)

This across-industry investment is responsible for producing Hort Innovation’s annual Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook

12 December 2018

Completed project

Xylella coordinator (MT17006) (MT17006a)

Through the Plant Biosecurity Research Initiative, this investment supported the role and activities of a national coordinator relating to exotic bacteria Xylella fastidiosa.

14 June 2023

Completed project Final Research Report

Cherry communications program (CY15002)

This program was focused on maintaining and improving strong communication with cherry growers and other industry stakeholders

31 July 2019

Completed project Final Research Report

Implementing brown sugar flotation (BSF) for assuring freedom of fruit from Qfly (CY16011)

This project has further developed methods of brown sugar flotation testing for Queensland fruit fly eggs and larvae in cherries

8 March 2019

Completed project

Generation of residue, efficacy and crop safety data for pesticide applications in horticulture crops 2017 (ST16006)

This investment was responsible for generating pesticide residue and crop safety data to support minor use permit applications and renewals.

10 May 2023

Completed project Final Research Report

Improving the biosecurity preparedness of Australian horticulture for the exotic spotted wing drosophila (Drosophila suzukii) (MT17005)

This multi-industry investment improved awareness of the risks posed by spotted wing drosophila, which attacks a range of soft-skinned fruit, as well as enhanced Australia’s capacity to detect and respond to any incursions of the pest.

4 December 2018

Completed project Final Research Report

SITplus: Developing and optimising production of a male-only, temperature-sensitive-lethal, strain of Qfly, B. tryoni (MT13059)

This investment has successfully demonstrated a method to develop a ‘temperature-sensitive lethal, male-selecting’ strain of Queensland fruit fly (Qfly).

31 January 2019