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R&D projects

Discover cherry levy investments into Cherry Fund R&D initiatives

The cherry levy has been invested into following Hort Innovation Cherry Fund R&D initiatives, together with Australian Government contributions.

Discover the projects that you want to see by refining the list by ongoing, completed, and historical R&D projects as well as projects by R&D portfolio type. You can also filter the projects by areas of extension and communications, international trade, and data and insights.

71-73 of 73 results

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Completed project Final Research Report

Optimising cherry fruit set, crop load, fruit nutrition and size - phase 2 (CY12003)

Ways to improve cherry fruit set, crop load, nutrition, size and quality were investigated in this project - including plant bioregulators, girdling, fertigation and more.

25 June 2015

Completed project Final Research Report

Making good variety investment decisions: a tree fruit variety evaluation program for Australia (MT10051)

This project involved planting a number of banana crops in four key production regions across Australia to evaluate the characteristics of a number of varieties

7 October 2014

Completed project Final Research Report

Evaluation of high-quality Australian-bred sweet cherries for export and domestic markets (CY11016)

This project continued the evaluation of new high-yielding sweet cherry varieties.

4 September 2014