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R&D projects

Discover citrus levy investments into Citrus Fund R&D initiatives

The citrus levy has been invested into following Hort Innovation Citrus Fund R&D initiatives, together with Australian Government contributions.

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21-24 of 24 results

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Completed project Final Research Report

Australian Citrus Quality Standards Program - stage 2 (CT12004)

This project supported the Australian Citrus Quality Standards program and included large-scale consumer sensory research linking eating quality to the Standards.

23 May 2016

Completed project Final Research Report

Evaluate the potential for low-dose methyl bromide as a postharvest disinfestation treatment for citrus (CT14008)

This project investigated low-dose methyl bromide as a potential postharvest disinfestation treatment for citrus, particularly for Murcott mandarins.

15 May 2015

Completed project Final Research Report

A benefit/cost assessment in citrus integrated pest management following the application of soil amendments (CT10022)

This project investigated the use of compost to reduce emergency of citrus thrips from soil as part of an integrated pest management approach

13 October 2014

Completed project Final Research Report

Citrus drought survival and recovery trial (CT08014)

The effects of deficit irrigation management in citrus were explored in this research, with a view to helping growers maintain healthy trees during drought.

3 February 2014