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Discover raspberry and blackberry levy investments into Raspberry and Blackberry Fund R&D initiatives

The raspberry and blackberry levy has been invested into following Hort Innovation Raspberry and Blackberry Fund R&D initiatives, together with Australian Government contributions.

Discover the projects that you want to see by refining the list by ongoing, completed, and historical R&D projects as well as projects by R&D portfolio type. You can also filter the projects by areas of extension and communications, international trade, and data and insights.

11-20 of 25 results

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Ongoing project

Generation of data for pesticide permit applications in horticulture 2022 (ST22001, ST22003 and ST22004)

These multi-industry projects are generating the data needed to support a range of existing minor use permits across various horticulture crops to ensure growers have continued access to safe and effective chemicals for managing pests, weeds, and diseases.

29 November 2022

Ongoing project

Using pheromones and traps in the management of mirids and vegetable bugs (RB21001)

This investment is developing effective pheromone-based methods for managing mirids and vegetable bugs.

5 October 2022

Ongoing project

National Fruit Fly Council – Phase 4 (FF20000)

The National Fruit Fly Council (NFFC) is a strategic body bringing together federal and state governments, growers and research funders to oversee the implementation of the National Fruit Fly Strategy.

2 August 2022

Ongoing project

Generation of data for pesticide applications in horticulture crops 2022 (ST21001 and ST21006)

This project is providing access to safe and effective chemicals for the management of pests, weeds and diseases.

2 June 2022

Ongoing project

Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook 2021-22 to 2023-24 (MT21006)

This whole-of-horticulture investment is responsible for producing Hort Innovation’s annual Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook

11 May 2022

Ongoing project

Consumer behavioural data program (MT21004)

This multi-industry investment is tasked with providing regular consumer behaviour data and insight reporting to a range of industries

10 March 2022

Ongoing project

Regulatory support and coordination (pesticides) (MT20007)

This project provides the Australian horticulture industry with key information regarding domestic and international pesticide regulation

27 July 2021

Ongoing project

Joint berry export trade development (MT20004)

This investment is proactively managing market access and trade development for the berry industries so that an increasing volume of product can be moved offshore, over time, at sustainable prices.

13 July 2021