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R&D projects

Discover summerfruit levy investments into Summerfruit Fund R&D initiatives

The summerfruit levy has been invested into following Hort Innovation Summerfruit Fund R&D initiatives, together with Australian Government contributions.

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Completed project

Regulatory support and coordination (pesticides) (MT17019)

Among other thing, this project produced the Ag Chemical Updates, detailing chemical issues and reviews.

9 July 2021

Completed project Final Research Report

Summerfruit market access and trade development project (SF19000)

This project is supporting the summerfruit industry to maintain and develop their export markets

16 July 2024

Completed project

Low-dose methyl bromide fumigation of plums (SF18000)

To help support market access protocol negotiations, this investment produced data packages relating to the use of low-dose methyl bromide fumigation for Australian plums.

29 May 2020

Completed project

Export market maintenance and development for Tasmanian fruit (MT11013) (mt11013)

This investment supported export market development and maintenance for Tasmania's fruit growers over the period 2012-2015

5 February 2019

Completed project

Market and consumer insights to drive food value chain innovation and growth: horticulture sub-project (ST15018)

This project delivered consumer insight reports and product handling guidelines for nectarines and pears for China, Thailand and Indonesia

18 January 2019

Completed project Final Research Report

Developing a national systems approach for meeting biosecurity requirements to access key Asian markets (AM17001)

This project supported collaboration between Australian stakeholders to develop a quantitative systems approach for horticultural enterprises so that they realised market opportunities

21 September 2022

Completed project Final Research Report

China market readiness and entry (SF16000)

This investment supported export training, the facilitation of registrations and audits and more, to help the summerfruit industry embark on exporting nectarines to China.

16 December 2017

Completed project

Summerfruit China export facilitation (SF17000) (SF17000b)

This investment helped establish a strong pathway for the Australian summerfruit industry to export.

31 August 2020

Completed project

In-market insights and emergency planning (SF17000) (SF17000a)

Activities in this project included developing an in-market intelligence plan and analysis of key export markets for Australian summerfruit

8 March 2019

Completed project

Summerfruit export strategy (SF17001)

An export strategy detailing and mapping priority markets for summerfruit export, and the route-to-market for each of these markets, was developed by this investment.

28 June 2018