R&D projects
Discover summerfruit levy investments into Summerfruit Fund R&D initiatives
The summerfruit levy has been invested into following Hort Innovation Summerfruit Fund R&D initiatives, together with Australian Government contributions.
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21-30 of 30 results
Strategic Agrichemical Review Process (SARP) – Updates (MT19008)
This short investment facilitated a 2020 Strategic Agrichemical Review Process (SARP) for several horticultural industries
29 January 2021
Ex-post impact assessment (MT18011)
Through this project, Hort Innovation engaged independent consultants to evaluate the impact of our R&D investments, providing insights into the type and magnitude of impacts generated across the company’s strategic levy programs.
31 December 2021
Improving preparedness of the Australian horticultural sector to the threat potentially posed by Xylella fastidiosa (a severe biosecurity risk) (MT17006) (MT17006b)
This multi-industry investment reviewed and allowed Australia to adopt world's best practice methods for detecting and identifying Xylella fastidiosa bacteria
23 August 2023
Generation of data for pesticide permit applications in horticulture crops 2019/20 (MT18018)
This multi-industry project generated the data needed to support a range of existing minor use permits across a variety of horticulture crops, to ensure growers have continued access to safe and effective chemicals for the management of pests, weeds and diseases.
10 July 2019
Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook 2018-19 to 2020-21 (HA18002)
This across-industry investment is responsible for producing Hort Innovation’s annual Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook.
22 May 2019
Generation of residue data for pesticide minor use permit applications in horticulture crops 2015/16 (ST15027)
This investment was responsible for generating pesticide residue and crop safety data to support minor use permit applications and renewals.
26 November 2018
Transformational innovation performance analysis (AI13011)
This project examined the level of innovation in the Australian horticulture industry, and its relationship to productivity.
4 September 2015
Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook 2015-2018 (AH15001)
This across-industry investment is responsible for producing Hort Innovation’s annual Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook
12 December 2018
Xylella coordinator (MT17006) (MT17006a)
Through the Plant Biosecurity Research Initiative, this investment supported the role and activities of a national coordinator relating to exotic bacteria Xylella fastidiosa.
14 June 2023
Improving the biosecurity preparedness of Australian horticulture for the exotic spotted wing drosophila (Drosophila suzukii) (MT17005)
This multi-industry investment improved awareness of the risks posed by spotted wing drosophila, which attacks a range of soft-skinned fruit, as well as enhanced Australia’s capacity to detect and respond to any incursions of the pest.
4 December 2018