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R&D projects

Discover summerfruit levy investments into Summerfruit Fund R&D initiatives

The summerfruit levy has been invested into following Hort Innovation Summerfruit Fund R&D initiatives, together with Australian Government contributions.

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21-30 of 65 results

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Completed project Final Research Report

Nutrition claims for The Good Mood Food educational website (ST19037)

This investment assessed 70 horticultural commodities for their nutrient composition related to psychological, neurological and energy benefits.

10 December 2020

Completed project

Adaptive area-wide management of Queensland fruit fly using the sterile insect technique: Guidelines for efficient and effective pest suppression and stakeholder adoption (ST15014 and ST15015)

This grant-funded project investigated, trialled and finalised guidelines and resources for the area-wide management of Queensland fruit fly.

3 July 2020

Completed project Final Research Report

Category and Consumer Impact Monitor (ST19031)

This investment provided weekly updates on consumer attitudes and behaviours during and beyond COVID-19.

15 June 2020

Completed project Final Research Report

Ex-post impact assessment (MT18011)

Through this project, Hort Innovation engaged independent consultants to evaluate the impact of our R&D investments, providing insights into the type and magnitude of impacts generated across the company’s strategic levy programs.

31 December 2021

Completed project Final Research Report

SITplus: Port Augusta Qfly SIT factory pilot operation (FF18003)

This investment continued to support the operations of the sterile Queensland fruit fly facility established in Port Augusta, South Australia.

16 August 2023

Completed project

Generation of data for pesticide permit applications in horticulture crops 2019/20 (MT18018)

This multi-industry project generated the data needed to support a range of existing minor use permits across a variety of horticulture crops, to ensure growers have continued access to safe and effective chemicals for the management of pests, weeds and diseases.

10 July 2019

Completed project

Low-dose methyl bromide fumigation of plums (SF18000)

To help support market access protocol negotiations, this investment produced data packages relating to the use of low-dose methyl bromide fumigation for Australian plums.

29 May 2020