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R&D projects

Discover vegetable levy investments into Vegetable Fund R&D initiatives

The vegetable levy has been invested into following Hort Innovation Vegetable Fund R&D initiatives, together with Australian Government contributions.

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Completed project Final Research Report

New in-field treatment solutions to control fruit fly (1) (VG13041)

Ways to improve management of fruit fly in vegetable crops were investigated in this research, including new chemical controls, baiting and more.

31 May 2017

Completed project

Manipulation of regulatory microRNAs to suppress insecticide resistance in diamondback moth (VG13111)

This project investigated the effect of insecticide resistance and insecticide exposure on the microRNA profile of diamondback moth larvae.

15 May 2017

Completed project Final Research Report

Management of insecticide resistance in the green peach aphid (VG12109)

This project developed a better understanding of insecticide resistance in green peach aphid populations across Australia, so that better management strategies for vegetable crops can be implemented.

12 January 2017

Completed project Final Research Report

Landscape diversity and field margin management (VG14047)

This project looked at the potential protective effect of maintaining semi-natural habitats around vegetable crop fields, in regards to vegetable pest management.

19 July 2016

Completed project Final Research Report

National honey bee pest surveillance program (MT12011)

This investment supported the National Bee Pest Surveillance Program (NBPSP) from 2013 to 2016, to help safeguard pollination-dependent industries.

5 February 2019

Completed project Final Research Report

A model for industry planning and preparedness for an incursion of Varroa mite (MT12049)

This project tested the preparedness of Australia’s pollination-dependent industries for an incursion of the exotic bee pest Varooa mite (Varroa destructor).

16 November 2015

Completed project Final Research Report

Managing biting fly in vegetable crop residues (VG12022)

This project investigated techniques to minimise stable fly breeding in vegetable crop residues left after harvest, producing recommendations for vegeable growers.

26 October 2015

Completed project Final Research Report

Updating and republishing valuable vegetable industry resources (VG12087)

The Veg Pest ID app to help vegetable growers identify pests and diseases was produced by this investment, which also updated and published field guides describing pests, diseases and disorders of brassica, babyleaf, sweetpotato, sweet corn, carrots, celery and parsley.

8 October 2015

Completed project Final Research Report

Adaptive pest management for horticulture under climate change – pilot pest scoping (VG13029)

The effect of climate change on pest populations and pest management for the vegetable industry was explored in this research, which focused on silverleaf whitefly and diamondback moth.

27 October 2014

Completed project Final Research Report

Enhancing market attitudes towards IPM and sustainable vegetable production practices (VG12084)

Consumer attitudes towards sustainable vegetable production practices including integrated pest management (and possible friendly insect contamination) were investigated in this project.

20 June 2014