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R&D projects

Discover vegetable levy investments into Vegetable Fund R&D initiatives

The vegetable levy has been invested into following Hort Innovation Vegetable Fund R&D initiatives, together with Australian Government contributions.

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Completed project Final Research Report

Generation of residue data for pesticide minor use permit applications in horticulture crops 2015/16 (ST15027)

This investment was responsible for generating pesticide residue and crop safety data to support minor use permit applications and renewals.

26 November 2018

Completed project

10th Australasian Soilborne Disease Symposium sponsorship (MT17022)

This multi-industry investment supported the Soilborne Diseases Symposium, held in Adelaide from September 4 to 7, 2018.

16 December 2018

Completed project Final Research Report

Surveillance of tomato potato psyllid in the Eastern States and South Australia (MT16016)

Surveillance activities for tomato potato psyllid (TPP) were funded through this project from mid-2017 into 2018.

23 July 2018

Completed project Final Research Report

An investigation of low-cost protective cropping (VG13075)

This project investigated and trialed low-cost protective cropping options for vegetable growers. This information was then extended to growers through a series of workshops, presentations in key growing regions and fact sheets.

16 December 2016

Completed project Final Research Report

Understanding consumer triggers and barriers to consumption of Australian indigenous vegetables and Asian vegetables (VG15071)

This investment identified commercially viable Australian indigenous and Asian vegetables, assessed their consumer appeal and provided recommendation for industry to ensure the greatest likelihood of success in the market.

10 January 2018

Completed project Final Research Report

Vegetable digital asset redevelopment – Veggycation (VG16080)

This investment was responsible for ensuring the resource material on the Veggycation platform was current and able to continue communicating the nutritional and health benefits of vegetables to Australians.

8 January 2019

Completed project Final Research Report

Educational opportunities around perceptions of, and aversions to, vegetables through digital media (VG16018)

This investment focused on improving attitudes and education of kids aged 8 to 12 towards vegetables. It delivered an online resource called Phenomenom with videos, lesson plans and activities to help teachers and families deliver food literacy and nutrition education.

21 December 2018

Completed project Final Research Report

New product development information for the vegetable industry (VG14031)

This investment developed a number of best practice resources around the development of new and value-added products for Australian vegetable businesses, including the development of the Vegetable Innovation online portal which hosts all the project’s resources.

21 December 2018

Completed project Final Research Report

Remediation of soil contaminated by Salmonella enterica to expedite plant or replant of vegetables (VG13039)

This project investigated the effect of soil type, temperature, moisture and presence/absence of chicken manure on the survival of Salmonella enterica.

14 December 2018

Completed project Final Research Report

2018 Women’s and Young Grower Industry Leadership and Development Missions (VG15703)

This project supported two 2018 international study tours for the vegetable industry - one for young growers and one for women.

13 December 2018