Strategic Investment Plan 2017-2021 performance reports
Industry SIPs outline the key priorities for investment in each levy industry and ensure that investment decisions align with those priorities.
Performance reports for each industry have been developed to demonstrate how Hort Innovation’s investments generated impact for growers over the 2016/17 to 2020/21 SIP period. The reports provide an overview of key achievements delivered through each levy investment, and how they relate to the specific industry’s SIP outcomes and strategies.
The reports provide a useful stock take of how levy funds have been used to deliver against the 2017-2021 SIPs, and offer oversight on which strategies were achieved, are still in progress or were not achieved and could be considered for future investment.
While these performance reports provide a five-year review of the 2017-2021 SIPs, going forward an annual performance report will be provided for the 2022-2026 SIPs.
If you would like to refer to the 2017-2021 SIPs, they are available lower down on this page.
Strategic Investment Plan 2017-2021 performance reports
Strategic Investment Plan 2017-2021 full documents
Click below to view the SIP 2017-2021 full documents.
Almond Strategic Investment Plan 2017-2021
Apple and pear Strategic Investment Plan 2017-2021
Avocado Strategic Investment Plan 2017-2021
Banana Strategic Investment Plan 2017-2021
Cherry Strategic Investment Plan 2017-2021
Chestnut Strategic Investment Plan 2017-2021
Citrus Strategic Investment Plan 2017-2021
Custard apple Strategic Investment Plan 2017-2021
Dried grape Strategic Investment Plan 2017-2021
Dried tree fruit Strategic Investment Plan 2017-2021
Lychee Strategic Investment Plan 2017-2021
Macadamia Strategic Investment Plan 2017-2021
Mango Strategic Investment Plan 2017-2021
Melon Strategic Investment Plan 2017-2021
Mushroom Strategic Investment Plan 2017-2021
Nashi Strategic Investment Plan 2017-2021
Nursery Strategic Investment Plan 2017-2021
Olive Strategic Investment Plan 2017-2021
Onion Strategic Investment Plan 2017-2021
Papaya Strategic Investment Plan 2017-2021
Passionfruit Strategic Investment Plan 2017-2021
Persimmon Strategic Investment Plan 2017-2021
Pineapple Strategic Investment Plan 2017-2021
Potato Grower Strategic Investment Plan 2017-2021
Potato – Processing Strategic Investment Plan 2017-2021
Prune Strategic Investment Plan 2017-2021
Raspberry and blackberry Strategic Investment Plan 2017-2021
Strawberry Strategic Investment Plan 2017-2021
Summerfruit Strategic Investment Plan 2017-2021
Sweetpotato Strategic Investment Plan 2017-2021
Table grape Strategic Investment Plan 2017-2021
Turf Strategic Investment Plan 2017-2021
Vegetable Strategic Investment Plan 2017-2021