Pear variety evaluation and certification (AP08002)
What was it all about?
The Australian pear industry is on the cusp of renewal with the introduction of world-class new varieties – bred in Australia and overseas – allowing the capture of domestic market share and export markets.
This project supported the Australian Pome Fruit Improvement Program (APFIP) from 2009 to 2013, which provided the following services.
- Evaluation of new pear varieties
- Certification of the propagules used to create trees of the new varieties
- Quarantine services.
Evaluation of new pear varieties takes place at eight sites in regional production areas across Australia. During the life of this project some 66 varieties have been partly or fully evaluated. The varieties come from breeding programs in Australia and overseas. Twenty seven new varieties are currently undergoing evaluation, with the process taking seven years for each variety.
The APFIP Certification Scheme allows growers to access trees that are free of viruses that would reduce tree or fruit quality. Processes involving heat treatment have been developed to rid pear varieties and rootstocks of viruses and subsequent testing to ensure health status.
Quarantine services provided by the project include liaison on behalf of the pear industry with the Australian Department of Agriculture through the Post Entry Plant Industries Consultative Committee which meets twice yearly. During the life of the project, the APFIP General Manager served a period as Chair of PEPICC.
Find out more about the Australian Pome Fruit Improvement Program on the APAL website.
Funding statement:
This project has been funded by Hort Innovation
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