Ongoing project
Avocado industry supply and trade data capture and analysis (AV22016)
Key research provider: Avocados Australia
What is it all about?
This project is about dispatch supply data and seasonal forecasting in the avocado industry.
Given avocados are a unique crop that can be selectively harvested once mature, there exists a significant opportunity to support and regulate the flow of product volumes through the supply chain and facilitate seasonal and long-term industry planning.
The provision of this data contributes to a more consistent quality product for consumers, a more stable supply and consistent prices, all of which supports demand and optimises returns for growers.
The objectives of this project are to:
- Collect and report high quality industry and market data to aid both short- and long-term industry strategic planning activities and decision making.
- Support seasonal harvesting and marketing decisions through the collection of robust, relevant, and verifiable supply throughput, trade, and retail pricing information.
- Help maintain a timely supply and demand balance that supports a more sustainable, prepared, and competitive industry for growers and consumers alike.
- Produce long term industry production forecasts to inform stakeholders of the medium-long term outlook for the industry to validate and inform broader issues and production trends facing the industry regionally, and across Australia.
Related levy funds
This project is a strategic levy investment in the Hort Innovation Avocado Fund