Multi-pest surveillance and grower education to manage banana pests and diseases (BA21003)
What's it all about?
Beginning in 2022, this investment supports banana growers in containing and managing significant pests and diseases, and to help in the early detection of exotic pests and diseases.
The Australian banana industry faces significant production constraints in managing pests and diseases and ongoing management to control the impact of pests and diseases such as Panama Tropical Race 4 (TR4), leaf diseases (yellow Sigatoka and leaf speckle) and Banana Bunchy Top Virus is essential.
Specifically, the project funds a full-time Australian Banana Grower’s Council Biosecurity Liaison Officer in Far North Queensland as well as part-time project and field officers in other banana growing regions to conduct surveillance, education, awareness and guidance activities with growers, and other biosecurity-related activities.
This investment combines the activities previously delivered through the projects Management of banana pests and disease in North Queensland (BA17005) and Banana bunchy top virus project, phase 4 – national surveillance and education (BA18000).
Broadly speaking, this project will…
- Conduct multi-pest surveillance across the major production regions of the banana industry where important priority pests and diseases occur and collect data to monitor status of these pests.
- Build capacity and capability within the banana industry through participation, training and involvement of growers in surveillance and control activities and produce supporting resources to educate growers and the community to better detect, control, manage and contain these pests and diseases on their own properties.
- Drive ongoing government, community and research and development support in banana industry pest and disease containment and control as part of a shared biosecurity approach.
This project is a strategic levy investment in the Hort Innovation Banana Fund