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Marketing snapshot - Hortlink 2017, edition 3

Publication date: 13 September 2017

This Hort Innovation Papaya Fund marketing snapshot has been taken from Hort Innovation’s Hortlink 2017, edition 3.

Hort Innovation invests the papaya marketing levy into a range of activities to drive awareness and consumption, under the Hort Innovation Papaya Fund.

The marketing program has been performing well, with the continuation of established activities such as an influential social media presence, in-store sampling to entice new and retain existing consumers, and targeting expecting and new mothers with health and nutritional facts at national shows.

Social media and public relations activity

The Australian Papaya Facebook page now has 22,460 fans with an approximate monthly reach of 200,000 people and a five per cent engagement rate – which is well above the average of one per cent for similar pages

With proof that consumers want a real connection with growers, grower posts have continued to see the best reach and engagement through social channels. Posts have been activated three times per week in peak flushes/season and twice a week at other times.

In-store sampling

In-store sampling was conducted in May. A total of 179 stores undertook four-hour sessions in New South Wales (89 stores) and Victoria (90 stores). A focus was on Coles stores, where underperformance has been an issue across the category. A total of 27,828 samples of fresh papaya and fresh papaya and lime were handed out during the in-store demonstrations.

Pregnancy and Baby Expo

The Sydney Pregnancy and Baby Expo (PB&C) Expo was held from May 19 to 21, with 20,831 people attending over the three days. Over 7500 (36 per cent) of visitors were given fresh papaya, papaya and lime and puree samples during the show and walked away with a clear and targeted message and information on the benefits of papaya

The nutritionist-approved papaya and banana puree was a hit with kids from as young as four months old to parents who thought the concept was a great, cost-effective and healthy way to feed their babies.

Innisfail grower Amanda Arbuckle represented growers at the show, creating a real and personal connection between consumers and growers and building trust and authenticity for the product.


These marketing activities are strategic levy investments in the Hort Innovation Papaya Fund