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Ongoing project

Macadamia grower guide (MC19001)

Key research provider: NSW Department of Primary Industries

What’s it all about?

This investment is producing a revised version of the Macadamia Growers Guide, a resource that assist macadamia growers and industry supply chain members to effectively manage their macadamia crops. The digital version will support ongoing updates so that the guide will reflect new research and evolving understanding of best management practices. Providing access to clear information on sound macadamia practices will enable growers to improve their profitability and sustainability.

This project is producing an up-to-date digital growers guide resource that clearly articulates best management practices for macadamia growers. The Guide will form the foundational ‘go to’ point for industry basic knowledge both for new growers and experienced growers looking to meet best practice. The guide will need to have the flexibility to incorporate and link to new knowledge as it is developed. The guide will be split into sections that cover the key aspects of macadamia production from orchard establishment to on-going management.

The guide will be split into sections that cover the key aspects of macadamia production from orchard establishment to on-going management.

Module 1 – “Soil health and nutrition – Foundations” and “Soil health and nutrition – next level”.

Module 2 – Orchard establishment is now titled “new orchards”. Content has been developed and a focus group and will be formed post conference to refine the information. Input for this module was gathered across all regions of the Australian macadamia landscape.

Flooding had also delayed the ability to travel and interview growers relating to orchard production. Most growers were severely damaged by the floods and finding available time for interviews proved difficult.

Initial survey results from industry have been collated to inform a strategy for the guide. Initial analysis shows that soil health, plant nutrition and pest and disease management are priority areas for information

Related levy funds

This project is a strategic levy investment in the Hort Innovation Macadamia Fund.