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Ongoing project

Macadamia industry innovation and adoption (MC20000)

Key research provider: Australian Macadamia Society

What’s it all about?

Beginning in 2020, this project is enhancing the adoption of innovation and technology, and facilitating capacity building, in the Australian macadamia industry. It supports the role and activities of a dedicated macadamia Industry Development Manager. This investment will continue the work completed through Australian macadamia industry innovation and adoption program (MC15004).

Activities facilitated by the Industry Development Manager and run through the project include…

  • Capacity building through the delivery of regional grower groups, field days, consultant meetings and MacGroup workshops.
  • Development and training through:
    • Regional Masterclasses based in each major growing region that provide advanced knowledge on topical production issues.
    • Innovators Program - a specialised forum to engage innovative and high performing growers through peer-to-peer learning groups and targeted study tours.
  • Production of communications materials such as videos and content for industry publications that are intended to promote practice change.
  • Providing advice and facilitating collaboration through representation in regional advisory meetings, extension planning meetings and project reference groups.

The Industry Development Manager is also responsible for undertaking constant engagement with growers and the wider industry, management of emerging issues, and the identification and development of new opportunities for the industry.

Notification of upcoming MacGroups, meetings and other program events are included in levy-funded Australian Macadamia Society channels, including on the website here and in industry e-newsletters (if you don’t already receive these, use the ‘Subscribe to AMS eNews’ green box on the AMS website).

The project team have delivered the following outputs:

Eleven monthly MacAlerts

  1. April 2022
  2.  May 2022
  3. June 2022
  4.  July 2022
  5. August 2022
  6.  September 2022
  7. October 2022
  8.  November 2022
  9.  December 2022
  10. January 2023
  11. February 2023

Five fact sheets

  1. Ground cover
  2. Storm damage
  3. Flood Recovery events
  4. Bee management during flowering
  5. Pollination

Four bulletins

  1. News Bulletin Winter 2022
  2. News Bulletin Spring 2022
  3.  News Bulletin Summer 2022
  4. News Bulletin Autumn 2023

Two podcasts

  1. The use of drop sheets
  2. Native bees in macadamia 

Field days and grower engagement events

  1. Five Women in Macadamia events
  2. Three storm/flood recovery events
  3. One Canopy Management
  4.  One on farm automation
  5. One drone spraying opportunities

Development and training courses

  1. Production Horticulture Cert 3 (NSW TAFE)
  2. Four chainsaw training courses
  3. Two regenerative farming initiative workshops
  4. Two kernel assessment workshops
  5.  Four macadamia masterclass workshops

Project progress continues…

Four field days we held throughout mid-2021 to engage growers in topics relating to harvesting, regenerative farming, and water security.

A range of practice change resources was also developed including:

  • Monthly MacAlerts
  • Fact sheets
  • Bulletin content across Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn
  • Videos on macadamia orchards


Log in or sign up to access all resources via the Australia Macadamia Society website.

The project has delivered practical resources for growers that include best practice information and growing updates for macadamias, based off their lifecycle and environmental variants. These resources include:

  • Monthly MacAlerts
  • Quarterly Bulletin editions
  • Relevant fact sheets
  • Videos and podcasts on emerging issues

In July 2022, regional MacGroups were held across five growing regions and attended by over 300 industry members. Far North Queensland growers joined the Bundaberg MacGroups and then participated in a two-day orchard, nursery, processor and machinery tour.

Related levy funds

This project is a strategic levy investment in the Hort Innovation Macadamia Fund.