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Ongoing project

Macadamia pollination gap analysis and industry opportunities (MC24002)

Key research provider: Australian National University (ANU)

What is it all about?

This project is improving growers’ and other industry stakeholders’ understanding of macadamia pollination and practice in Australia and other leading producer countries. By studying the industry's dependence on insect pollinators, the project will highlight opportunities for international and cross-industry collaborations in future research and development. 


Macadamia growers in Australia heavily rely on insect pollination, primarily by honeybees, to produce crops. However, the recent establishment of the Varroa Mite poses a significant threat to the feral honeybee population and will likely increase the cost of pollination services that use managed honeybees. This highlights the urgent need to better understand and implement effective pollination practices to secure sustainable production. 


To address this challenge, this project will:  

  • Review all available knowledge on macadamia pollination and consolidate it into an online compendium, serving as a centralised resource for macadamia pollination information for growers.
  • Conduct surveys of industry representatives to gather firsthand insights on current practices in Australia and overseas.
  • Identify related pollination efforts overseas that could lead to future collaborations.
  • Compile and assess this information to conduct a comprehensive gap analysis, identifying areas for future research and development to maximise impact for growers.
  • Support the industry’s capacity to adapt to the impacts of Varroa Mite and ensure long-term sustainable production. 

The knowledge review will focus on understanding the level of dependence on insect pollinators, roles of different groups of insects (both managed and wild), and current practices that promote effective pollination, both domestically and internationally. 


This project directly contributes to the Australian Macadamia Industry’s Strategic Investment Plan (2022-2026), specifically in securing pollination by enhancing honeybee health, mitigating pest and disease threats, and exploring alternative pollinators. Additionally, it addresses the need for better communication and extension efforts on pollination within the industry. 

By identifying gaps in current practices and knowledge, the project will provide critical insights to guide future investments, research, and collaborations. These findings will benefit all growing regions in Australia, with initial dissemination aimed at key decision-makers. Ultimately, the project will help ensure the sustainability and resilience of macadamia production in the face of evolving pollination challenges. 

Related levy funds

This project is a strategic levy investment in the Hort Innovation Macadamia Fund