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Completed project

Data collection to facilitate supply chain transparency - stage 2 (MG12007)

Key research provider: Australian Mango Industry Association
Publication date: Monday, July 13, 2015

What was it all about?

Most mango growers live a significant distance from wholesale markets and major retailers, making it difficult to obtain fast feedback on prices and mango quality that could be used to inform business decisions.

This project, which ran from 2012 to 2015, set out to make this information available to growers. It also sought to test fruit for sweetness, using the Brix measurement system, to reduce the amount of immature fruit being sent to market.

The project team established a mango wholesale price reporting system to give growers an indication of daily trends for the range of mango varieties. Prices were updated daily throughout the season and could be accessed through the Ausmarket website and the Australian mango industry website as well as by fax. The system provided growers with reports on a daily basis for Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide markets and on a weekly basis for Perth.

A retail price reporting system was also established, collating data from 16 retail stores in four capital cities of Australia. Retail prices influence consumer demand, although growers reported being too busy during harvest to consider the information. 

Brix measurement was undertaken in markets in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne to provide feedback to growers on the maturity of fruit received. Each sampled mango was ripened, and assessed using a hand held refractometer, with average measurements reported back to the grower within two days. This information clearly demonstrated the importance of picking mangoes when mature.

The three forms of feedback to growers provided information of great benefit to the decision making of mango growers.


Reporting is continued by ongoing investments in the Hort Innovation Mango Fund, with information available on the Australian Mangoes website here.

Related levy funds


Funding statement:
This project has been funded by Hort Innovation

Copyright © Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited 2015. The Final Research Report (in part or as whole) cannot be reproduced, published, communicated or adapted without the prior written consent of Hort Innovation (except as may be permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth)).