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Completed project

2024 Australian Mango Conference (MG23001)

Key research provider: Australian Mango Industry Association
Publication date: Tuesday, July 16, 2024

What was it all about?


The conference revealed that Australian mango growers are facing significant challenges, including increasing pressures from rising production costs, static returns, compliance burdens, and various production issues.

These challenges are prevalent across many horticultural sectors and have created a demanding environment for growers. These challenges impact the industry's sustainability and growth, requiring innovative solutions and support to overcome.


In response to these challenges, the conference served as a pivotal platform for industry stakeholders to come together. The event featured discussions on industry issues, updates on research and development projects, and insights into marketing and promotions campaigns.  

The conference also included a field day in the Mareeba/Dimbulah region, providing hands-on learning opportunities. Additionally, the first Australian Mango Scientific Symposium was held, drawing 120 delegates, and focusing on scientific advancements and their practical applications in mango production.


The conference brought together 230 industry stakeholders to address challenges, exchange knowledge, and create strategic plans, fostering innovation and improved practices.  

This collaboration strengthened industry relationships, enhancing resilience and adaptability for future growth. Despite facing significant pressures, the industry remains optimistic, with a collective willingness to develop sustainable practices, improve profitability, and ensure the long-term viability of the Australian mango industry.

Related levy funds

This project was a strategic levy investment in the Hort Innovation Mango Fund