Completed project
Pilot program: Consumer usage, attitude and brand tracking (MT21201)
Key research provider: Fifty-Five Five
Publication date: Wednesday, March 9, 2022
What was it all about?
This pilot program provided a category tracking service to allow various horticultural categories to better understand consumer usage and attitudes and the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.
The program examined the effectiveness of Hort Innovation marketing campaigns to determine how salient they are in market, what their impact is on consumer usage, attitudes and future purchase intent, and how effective they are at driving messaging comprehension and enjoyment.
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- Passionfruit Fund
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- Pineapple Fund
- Raspberry and Blackberry Fund
- Summerfruit Fund
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- Table Grape Fund
- Vegetable Fund
This project was funded by Hort Innovation using multi-industry strategic levies and contributions from the Australian Government.