Facilitating the development of the Australian berry industries (MT22010)
What's it all about?
This multi-industry investment is tasked with supporting Australian berry growers in adopting improved practices on-farm and keeping up to date with the latest industry news, information, resources and technologies.
The project delivers a nationally coordinated but locally implemented program which employs several industry development officers who provide specialist skills and knowledge. The role of the industry development officers is a broad one, with all activities geared towards improving the circulation and uptake of information with the industry.
As well as extension activities, the project produces key communication channels for the berry industries, including:
- Quarterly magazine, Australian Berry Journal, with current and past editions available here
- The industry’s monthly newsletter that has information tailored to each crop as well as the latest across-industry R&D news (you can sign up for the newsletter here)
- The Berries Australia website, with industry news, information and resources for growers
- Fact sheets and case studies, as needed
- Development of best practice tools such as videos, as needed
- Workshops across the country
- Webinars for growers.
This multi-industry project is a strategic levy investment in the Hort Innovation Blueberry, Raspberry and Blackberry, and Strawberry Funds