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Completed project

People development strategy for the Australian mushroom industry (MU23005)

Key research provider: RMCG
Publication date: Tuesday, July 16, 2024

What was it all about?

The mushroom industry in Australia is facing challenges in attracting, developing, and retaining skilled workers. To address this, a People Development Strategy (Strategy) has been created, aligning with the industry's Strategic Investment Plan (SIP), to guide investment in workforce development, enhance knowledge, relationships, and systems, and foster an innovative culture.


The mushroom industry, like many sectors, struggles with attracting, developing, and retaining skilled workers, compounded by significant labour shortages. The industry lacked a coordinated approach, resulting in reactive and opportunistic initiatives for training and leadership.

The evolving demands of the workplace brought about by rapid technological, environmental, and regulatory changes, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, have intensified these challenges. The need for a strategic, forward-looking approach to workforce development has become paramount to ensure industry resilience and competitiveness.

The absence of a coordinated approach hindered the industry's ability to address present challenges and establish skills for long-term growth.


In response to these challenges, the mushroom industry developed a comprehensive People Development Strategy. The strategy aims to guide investment in people, with a focus on training and education and promoting leadership and innovation within the industry.

Leveraging research and best practice resources, the strategy addresses the industry's need for a clear and coordinated approach to people development. Investment in communication, extension capabilities, and leadership initiatives are key components. This strategic approach ensures a well-coordinated effort to build a skilled, adaptable, and innovative workforce.

By providing a framework for investment and focusing efforts and funds, the strategy ensures the industry can respond to present challenges and establish future skills for a high-functioning, innovative horticulture industry.


The People Development Strategy will benefit the mushroom industry by creating a skilled and adaptable workforce. By investing in its people, the industry will foster an innovative culture, enhancing grower profitability and overall sustainability.

The strategy promotes access to flexible training and career pathways, fostering industry-led education. This approach addresses current labour shortages and prepares the industry for future challenges. By encouraging the adoption of cutting-edge technologies and management practices, the strategy positions the mushroom industry as a leader in innovation and resilience, securing its long-term success.

Implementing the strategy will lead to a diverse and capable Australian mushroom workforce that can embrace future challenges and technological advancements.

Related levy funds

This project is a strategic levy investment in the Hort Innovation Mushroom Fund.