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Ongoing project

Ethylene and mushroom quality (MU24002)

Key research provider: Department of Agriculture & Fisheries

What is it all about?

This project is determining how sensitive Australian white Agaricus mushrooms are to ethylene-related quality loss, with the aim of improving product quality and shelf life throughout the supply chain.  


Mushroom growers have observed that product quality at retail is often poor compared to retention samples held at the farm. It is hypothesised that ethylene exposure along the supply chain, particularly for mixed commodity loads containing ripening fruits, may accelerate mushroom deterioration and contribute to these quality losses.  


To address this, laboratory experiments will assess the impact of varying ethylene concentrations on three types of Australian Agaricus mushrooms – loose whole, punnet whole, and punnet sliced. 

The findings will inform the development of a predictive model to estimate product quality and shelf life based on supply chain conditions and ethylene exposure. The model and experiment data will be validated in commercial mushroom supply chains.  


This project will generate new knowledge on the ethylene sensitivity of Australian Agaricus mushrooms. These findings will support the industry in:  

  • Developing optimised handling practices for delivering consistent mushroom quality and extended shelf life for consumers.
  • Increasing profitability, efficiency, and sustainability by aligning with the Mushroom Strategic Investment Plan’s focus on R&D to enhance shelf life.  

The outcomes, including key learnings and validated recommendations, will be shared across the mushroom industry and supply chain stakeholders to foster widespread adoption of improved practices.  

Related levy funds

This project is a strategic levy investment in the Hort Innovation Mushroom Fund