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Ongoing project

Determining harvest maturity for peaches and nectarines (SF23005)

Key research provider: Fruitful Insights

What is it all about?

This project is validating and increasing the utility and accuracy of the Rubens sensor – a non-destructive tool that is used to determine the harvest maturity and quality of peaches and nectarines.  


Australia is renowned for producing high quality summerfruit, but recent declines in exports reveal challenges in consistent delivery. Harvesting summerfruit at optimal maturity is critical for maximising export potential and eating quality, yet achieving this consistently is difficult.  

The Rubens sensor, when calibrated with fruit ethylene production, offers a promising solution to determining summerfruit maturity – with the tool capable of guiding harvest timing to ensure maximum quality. However, adoption among growers has been limited due to a lack of reliable maturity and quality models tailored specifically for Australian open-access cultivars.  


This project will empower Australian growers with the knowledge and tools to effectively utilise the Rubens sensor to measure fruit maturity at harvest. Key activities include:  

  • Developing maturity models: Reliable harvest maturity and quality models will be created for at least 36 individual export cultivars selected by the summerfruit industry. Up to four of these cultivars will also be calibrated across multiple seasons and/or major growing regions.
  • Export quality assessments: Out-turn quality evaluations in export markets will provide insights into how harvest maturity impacts fruit quality along export supply chains.  
  • Grower engagement: Findings will be shared through collaboration with growers at Summerfruit Australia workshops, conferences, field days, and via industry articles and other publications. 


The project will equip summerfruit growers with actionable insights and tools, leading to: 

  1. Enhanced fruit quality: Improved eating quality and extended storage potential for both domestic and export markets, achieved by harvesting and packing fruit at optimal maturity and reducing variability within consignments.
  2. Increased grower confidence: Growers will have maturity guidelines specific to Australian cultivars, climatic conditions, and production practices, enabling independent decisions on harvest timing to maximise fruit quality, increase profitability, and reduce wastage.
  3. Operational efficiency: Better understanding of cultivar-specific ripening patterns will reduce harvest labor costs by minimising the number of harvests required per season.
  4. Strategic decision-making: Fruit maturity data collected can be effectively utilised to make marketing decisions that improve fruit quality in domestic and export markets. 

This project will play a pivotal role in maintaining Australia’s reputation for high-quality summerfruit and increasing its competitiveness in export markets.

Related levy funds

This project is a strategic levy investment in the Hort Innovation Summerfruit Fund.