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Completed project

Advanced production for temperate nut crops (various projects)

Key research provider: Various partners
Publication date: Wednesday, December 1, 2021

What was it all about? 

This investment established three experimental demonstration orchards for use in developing advanced production systems for nut industries using two tree nut crops, almond and walnuts. These orchards can demonstrate to industry the potential impact of intensive systems, with the ultimate aim of increasing profitability while minimising negative economic and environmental impacts.

This project is a collaborative piece of work funded through the Australian Government’s Rural R&D for Profit initiative, as well as levy funds from the almond and walnut industries and support from the South Australian, Victorian and New South Wales state governments. There were four inter-related sub-projects under this parent program, and their final research reports can be accessed on this page.

Innovative production systems research has begun at the demonstration orchards including research into orchard density, rootstock scion compatibility, irrigation, nutrient management, plant growth regulators, light interception, tree architecture, salinity tolerance, prunus root assays and digital orchard measurement systems. The data collected through this research and methods developed will inform future temperature nut production systems. The project has produced new information that can inform the design of high intensity plantings and the transformational technologies that may provide the industries with greater productivity and profitability once substantially trialled.

The project engaged with industry to understand the potential of new temperate nut production systems through activities such as field days and visits to the experimental orchards, videos, articles in print media and online. Though some of these activities were restricted by COVID-19 travel restrictions, the temperate nut industry remains engaged and eager to see the orchards and experiments as they progress into maturity.

Now that the orchards have been established, the opportunity exists to understand the long-term performance and maintenance requirements of high-density production systems into orchard maturity. The established orchards provide a platform for this activity which can be leveraged to better understand risks and benefits of new production systems and build industry confidence over time.


Access the four final reports:



Copyright © Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited 2021. The Final Research Report (in part or as a whole) cannot be reproduced, published, communicated or adapted without the prior written consent of Hort Innovation, except as may be permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth).

Funding statement:

This project was managed by Hort Innovation and supported by funding from the Australian Government’s Rural R&D for Profit program.