Developing a RegTech framework and applications across horticultural value chains (ST22009)
What is it all about?
This project funded under the National Agriculture Traceability Regulatory Technology Research and Insights Grant Round aims to identify technology that the Australian horticulture sector could implement to improve its traceability systems and simplify compliance processes.
The grant project is a collaborative initiative between Hort Innovation and Freshcare and will establish a Community of Practice (Hort-COP) from across the value chain to provide leadership and shepherd this initiative.
The project will evaluate the multiple compliance layers of Australian horticultural value chains to deliver a RegTech framework that verifies statements of claims and removes duplication.
The rules, regulations and standards relevant to horticultural statements of claims on product food safety, quality, biosecurity, and sustainability will be investigated and documented in both domestic and overseas markets.
These activities will focus on recognising statements of claims, traceability of claims, and value chain improvements. The findings and outcomes will deliver an open-source RegTech framework with a governance structure to support its ongoing management and use to future proof Australia’s horticultural industry.
This project was funded by Hort Innovation using levies from strategic funds.