Extension of technologies and best management practices to the Australian table grape industry (TG19000)
What was it all about?
This investment ensured Australian table grape growers were informed about current R&D activities, results and resources – supporting the adoption of industry best practice and bolstering table grape production in key growing areas across the country.
The Australian table grape industry is facing an array of challenges and opportunities in a changing climate and with export-driven expansions. Australian table grape growers and the supply chain continue to demand industry-specific information concerning the impact of external factors, vine health, biosecurity, sustainability, climate change, technologies, industry data availability, social connectivity and future R&D.
This investment supported the employment of an industry development manager and industry development officer for the table grape industry. These roles were responsible for delivering industry development and extension services in a nationally coordinated, but regionally delivered manner. Their activities focused on extending the reach of the table grape R&D program across industry and improving grower capability to adopt best management practices and new on-farm innovations.
Specific activities for the project team included, but were not limited to:
- Conducting workshop and field day sessions about best management practices and available technologies for growing table grapes
- Holding regional forums across the country where research updates are presented
- Developing industry tools (such as spreadsheets, manuals and videos) to facilitate the commercial adoption and adaption of research outcomes and extension of technologies from the industry’s research program
- Providing technical articles for inclusion in the industry’s communications program
- Producing fact sheets and videos to further extend information demonstrated at field days or other pertinent issues
- Fielding grower enquiries and undertaking farm visits to address issues and assist with adoption of new technologies and best practice
- Facilitating the feedback loop between industry and researchers to ensure that R&D investments produce relevant and accessible outputs, and that any industry needs or gaps in knowledge are identified for further research.
The strong extension and development program allowed producers and a broad stakeholder base to build knowledge, awareness, and skills, and enhance their aspiration to change. The team increased industry cohesion, and ensured access to information regardless of background, technical capacity, or geographical location. Feedback indicates that the program delivered a successful extension and development project and that producers feel heard.
Throughout the program, industry development team worked to create positive change in priority areas, high-quality production, biosecurity/plant protection, climate variability and exports through delivery of communications and extension capability. They also provided opportunities for engagement between industry, producers, and relevant stakeholders.
During the program the team:
- Interacted with nearly 1700 producers and visited over 300 farms across all Australian growing regions.
- Undertook 89 vineyard surveys to benchmark practices and identify areas for change.
- Assisted producers with sampling and analytics for various vine health concerns.
- Interacted with approximately 800 agronomic service providers and specialists each year.
- Delivered 53 events (field days, workshops etc.)
- Established five field demonstration trials to address a range of current and anticipated vine health issues.
- Contributed to 46 articles in The Vine magazine and fortnightly contributions to Pick of the Bunch e-news.
- Produced 12 factsheets, 10 videos and nine tools.
Additionally, the project team represented table grape producers on several industry relevant committees, established multiple communities of practice (CoP’s) and developed networks to address emerging industry issues.
This project was a strategic levy investment in the Hort Innovation Table Grape Fund