Processing tomato industry capacity building (TM17000)
What was it all about?
Beginning in late 2018, this is the inaugural voluntary levy investment in the Hort Innovation Processing Tomato Fund. It facilitates an industry development program that’s all about supporting awareness and adoption of R&D outcomes, delivering best practice information, enhancing skills of existing industry participants and encouraging new entrants.
Specific activities include but aren’t limited to:
- Delivery of communication channels including the annual Australian Processing Tomato Grower Magazine and quarterly Tomato Topics newsletters
- Events including industry field days and annual R&D forums
- The collection of industry benchmark data and statistics, communicated to industry through annual data and statistics reports
- Supporting on-farm trials, including cultivar evaluation trials, and disseminating results to industry.
Funding statement:
This project was funded through the Hort Innovation Processing tomato Fund using the processing tomato R&D levy and contributions from the Australian Government
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