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Ongoing project

Vegetable high school education resources (VG23010)

Key research provider: Primary Industries Education Foundation Australia (PIEFA)

What is it all about?

This project is developing a comprehensive series of educational resources on vegetable production, careers and nutrition, designed to engage and educate students in a dynamic and interactive way.

The resources will provide a thorough understanding of Australian vegetable production, careers, and nutrition. They will be tailored for students in Years 7 to 10 and align with Version 9.0 of the Australian Curriculum (being adaptable to state and territory curricula).

The suite of resources will include:

  • Six curriculum-aligned resources for students
  • Three pre-recorded webinars for teachers
  • A virtual farm tour.

This initiative instils a culture of informed food choices by introducing students to healthy, sustainable meal options from an early age. It also highlights the diverse opportunities within the horticulture sector, emphasising the critical role of innovation and technology, data analytics, and problem-solving skills, encouraging students to pursue careers essential for sustaining future food security.

Related levy funds

This project is a strategic levy investment in the Hort Innovation Vegetable Fund