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Growers Nashi Fund

Welcome to the Hort Innovation Nashi Fund

In February 2019, the Australian nashi industry moved to begin investing unspent funds left over from the historic collection of the statutory nashi R&D levy. This investment will happen through the Hort Innovation Nashi Fund. More information on the levy and the investment process can be found here.

As the levy begins to be invested into new initiatives, this section of Hort Innovation’s website will come to house key information including updates on levy fund management; details on the industry’s investments and their progress; resources and tools relating to investments; and plenty more.

Most recent
Final research report
Regulatory support and coordination (pesticides) (MT20007)
Ongoing project
Access to new varieties for Australian nashi growers (NA22000)
Final research report
Review and evaluation of nashi packaging (NA22001)
Final research report
Consumer demand spaces for horticulture (MT21003)
Ongoing project
Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook 2021-22 to 2023-24 (MT21006)
View all

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Recently added
Media Release
New CEO appointed

Strategic Investment Plan

Read the Nashi Fund SIP

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Annual Investment Plan

Read the Nashi Fund AIP

Read it now

Need help? Get in touch

Rachel Davis
Rachel Davis
Industry Service & Delivery Manager
Contact details
0473 849 360 Send an email
Industry representative body
Australian Nashi Growers Association
Australian Nashi Growers Association
4765 Barmah-Shepparton Road
Bunbartha VIC, 2480
Contact details
03 5826 9636