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Hort Innovation Funding, consulting and investing

Funding, consulting and investing

Learn more about how Hort Innovation manages and invests industry levies and other funding sources

The work we do at Hort Innovation is essentially divided into two funding models – strategic levy investment and the Hort Frontiers strategic partnership initiative.

Use this section of our website to discover key information on where funding for these investment activities come from, and how investment decisions are made. You'll also find important documentation, including annual reports and other investment-related documents.



How the levy system works
Wondering how industry levies get to and are invested through Hort Innovation?
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How we consult with industry
Hort Innovation makes all investment decisions through consultation with industry, to achieve the best outcomes for Australian horticulture
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Investment ideas
Discover how ideas blossom into projects at Hort Innovation and submit your own suggestions
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Investment documents
Find all the key documents relating to Hort Innovation's investments in one handy place
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