Strategic Investment Plans (SIPs) are the key documents guiding grower levy investments through each industry fund.
The industry-based SIPs have been largely effective as our primary tool for planning, evaluating and reporting on levy investments. Industry-specific SIPs outline the key priorities for investment in each leviable industry and should ensure that levy investment decisions align with industry priorities.
The current five-year SIPs expire on June 30, 2026, providing an opportunity to review the planning system and explore more ambitious and effective planning models.
To ignite a creative conversation about the future of investment in Australian horticulture, we have published a SHIFt Discussion Guide.
All Discussion Guide feedback and contributions will be considered respectfully and discussed openly.
How you can participate
The SHIFt program and the Discussion Guide have been designed to ensure that consultation on the future of strategic investment planning is transparent, accessible, straightforward, well-planned, fit for purpose and responsive, consistent with the principles in the Stakeholder Engagement and Consultation Framework.
Opportunities to contribute to this process are set out in the Discussion Guide, and include written responses, online feedback, direct contact with Hort Innovation Industry Service Managers and other personnel, and by email.
The closing date for feedback on the SHIFt Discussion Guide is May 4, 2025.
You can provide your feedback in any of the following ways:
- Access the feedback form here
- Speak directly with your Hort Innovation Industry Service Manager (ISM) – contact details here
- Email the SHIFt team at
- Attend industry meetings, the details of which will be regularly updated at the Hort Innovation website.
Once feedback has been received, consultation with industry on the content for the framework will begin in August 2025 and continue through until May 2026.
Hort Innovation looks forward to working with you to create this exciting new future together.