HORT INNOVATION today released the latest Horticulture Statistics Handbook – offering the most comprehensive and contemporary data available on all sectors of the Australian horticulture industry in one easy-to-read guide.
Featuring more than 470 pages of information drawn from a number of supply chain sources, including international trade statistics and industry peak bodies, the Handbook includes data on more than 70 horticultural products including fruit, nuts, vegetables, nursery, turf and cut flowers.
Hort Innovation chief executive John Lloyd said areas of focus include profiling fresh market supply values and volumes by product, including import and export dynamics, while also identifying key production regions and seasonality.
“Now in its third edition, the Horticulture Statistics Handbook provides important data for industry, researchers and decision makers, supports policy formation and contributes to further research to benefit the industry,” Mr Lloyd said.
“The Handbook provides various insights, such as the total share of production and trade by key horticultural categories. While nuts account for just 7 per cent of domestic production value, they account for 41 per cent of the value of Australia’s fresh exports.
“The production volumes of some tree crops – most notably apples, avocados and macadamias – has continued to expand as plantings mature to full production levels, and further growth is predicted in these areas.”
Mr Lloyd said the domestic food market conditions remain competitive as new entrants enter into the retail space and expand their store networks, and eating out appears to be on the rise.
“Australian household expenditure on people eating food out of home also increased to 34.8 per cent of total food expenditure and was reflected in stronger demand from food service buyers,” he said.
“Total fresh horticulture exports also shifted to a value of $2.01 billion in 2016/17. This was 5 per cent lower than the previous year, primarily driven by a marked reduction in Almond export prices and disruptions to production conditions being disrupted by climate events in Queensland and biosecurity in Western Australia.”
The Handbook, which captured data up until June 30, 2017 also revealed:
- Nationally, almonds were Australia’s most valuable horticultural export product ($461M) followed by table grapes ($372M), macadamias ($291M), oranges ($223M), and carrots ($90M).
- Victoria was the nation’s leading fresh exporter accounting for 47 per cent of the total value of horticultural exports, valued at almost $950M.
- The largest export markets for fresh Australian horticultural products by value were Asia (68 per cent), followed by Europe (13 per cent) and the Middle East (9 per cent).
The handbook is available now on the Hort Innovation website.