Four candidates are in the running for three vacant Board positions at Hort Innovation, the grower-owned research and development corporation for Australian horticulture.
Members will vote online and in person in Sydney at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on November 25.
Hort Innovation Chair, Julie Bird, said each of the candidates had been shortlisted by the Director Nomination Committee during a rigorous selection process and have been nominated based on their relevant skills and experience.
The Director Nomination Committee was comprised by the Hort Innovation Chair, together with three independent members – a levy payer, a nominee of the Secretary of the Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry, and an ‘independent eminent person’, in keeping with Hort Innovation’s Constitution.
“Horticulture continues to be the most rapidly growing agriculture sector in Australia, and growers have never been more engaged when it comes to input into their research and development corporation and shaping projects that meet their priorities,” she said
“Trade, biosecurity and supply chain efficiencies continue to be key focusses, along with priorities such as breeding new varieties to combat climate change challenges and technologies to reduce the reliance on labour.”
The Board candidates are:
Jan Vydra (re-nominating Director): Jan was appointed to the Board in 2019. He is a passionate agribusiness leader and as a first- generation farmer, co-founded Australian Fresh Leaf Herbs in 2008.
Elke Cleverdon: Elke is an experienced non-executive director in the agribusiness and customer-owned banking sector. She was recently selected to the National Farmers’ Federation Diversity in Ag Leadership Program, one of 12 women nationally.
Anthony (Tony) Cull: Tony has a career spanning 25 years in Australian and international agribusiness, manufacturing, fast moving consumer goods, seafood and commodity exports and has a deep understanding of ASEAN markets and China.
Stephen (Steve) McCutcheon: Steve has had more than 40 years’ experience working with the agriculture and food sectors in private and public sector settings. During his career, he has held a number of Board positions on Australian Government entities including the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority, FSANZ and he is current Chair of Plant Health Australia.
To learn more about the upcoming AGM and Board candidates, go to the Hort Innovation website.