1-10 of 14 results
Food Safety and Quality Certification Update
Food safety and quality certification update for Freshcare transition
14 April 2020
Diagnosing and managing non-pathogenic disorders in production nurseries
This pest management plan for non-pathogenic disorders provides nursery growers with detailed information on diagnosis and management options
31 May 2019
Pest management plan on lepidopteran pests
This pest management plan provides information on caterpillars in production nurseries
31 May 2019
Pest management plan on leaf spot pathogens
This pest management plan provides information on the management of destructive leaf spot diseases and disorders
31 May 2019
Pest management plan for aphids in production nurseries
This pest management plan for aphids provides nursery growers with detailed information on recognition, monitoring and managing the pest
31 May 2019
Farm biosecurity plan template for CGMMV in NT cucurbit farms
Template for making a farm biosecurity plan to prevent spread of cucumber green mottle mosaic virus
29 March 2019
Melon and pineapple industry SARP report updates (MT18007)
This investment facilitated a review process for the melon and pineapple industries to provide a clear view of priorities in pest, disease and weed control.
15 April 2019
Managing gall-inducing insects in production nurseries (management plan)
This pest management plan provides information on how to manage gall inducing insects in production nurseries.
18 April 2018
Thrips: A pest management plan for production nurseries
This fact sheet provides growers with a pest management plan for the control of thrips in nurseries.
23 February 2017
Contingency plan on exotic invasive ants
This contingency plan provides information on exotic invasive ants and best methods of preparedness and management
1 May 2020