1131-1140 of 3484 results
Desktop review of the impacts of climate change on Australian mushroom production
This desktop review summarises the latest science of climate change and the expected impacts that may affect the Australian mushroom industry.
29 May 2020
Podcast for fall armyworm management in Northern farming systems (MT19013)
This multi-industry and cross-sector project was established to support readiness and help protect the horticulture sector from the recent incursion of fall armyworm, through the delivery of an educational podcast series for growers.
16 April 2021
Educating health professionals about Australian olive products (OL17002)
This project communicated the research-backed evidence on the health benefits of olives to an audience of health professionals, through the Olive Wellness Institute.
28 February 2020
Melon outbound trade mission (VM18007)
This investment supported the attendance of melon industry representatives and growers at the 2019 Asia Fruit Logistica trade show, under the Taste Australia banner.
29 November 2019
Still wild about macadamias – conserving a national icon (MC15007)
This investment improved the industry’s understanding of the threats to wild macadamia trees and potential management strategies to mitigate those risks.
30 April 2019
Banana outbound trade mission (BA19000)
This investment supported the attendance of banana industry representatives and growers at the 2019 Asia Fruit Logistica trade show, under the Taste Australia banner.
29 November 2019

New partnership signed between Australian agencies to strengthen plant biosecurity
New partnership signed between Australian agencies to strengthen plant biosecurityIN THE International Year of Plant Health, a new partnership aimed at strengthening plant biosecurity has been signed today between the Plant Biosecurity Research
6 November 2020
Members vote to update Hort Innovation’s Constitution
Members vote to update Hort Innovation’s ConstitutionAn Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of Hort Innovation members was held virtually on Friday, 9 October 2020. At the meeting, members voted to change the company’s Constitution in respect to
9 October 2020

New plant pest and disease surveillance tech delivered
New plant pest and disease surveillance tech deliveredA HIGH-TECH mobile surveillance unit was delivered at the end of October as part of Hort Innovation’s multi-agricultural industry surveillance initiative – iMapPESTS. The iMapPESTS: Sentinel
6 November 2020

$50 million in plant biosecurity projects prioritised and coordinated through national collaboration
$50 million in plant biosecurity projects prioritised and coordinated through national collaborationMANAGING PESTS and diseases is a constant issue for Australia’s plant industries, and new threats are always on the horizon. Just this year
16 November 2020