1741-1750 of 3485 results
Hort Innovation launches fruit, veg and nuts campaign to support Australian growers
Media ReleaseIn Australia, growers have faced numerous challenges including drought, floods and bushfires. COVID-19 has thrown challenges to the nation impacting mental wellbeing and mood through isolation. It has affected Australian growers with
29 May 2020
Key sustainability issues identified for Australian horticulture
ArticleNEW RESEARCH for Hort Innovation has identified the sustainability topics that are most important to people interested in Australian horticulture, from growers through to consumers and communities. Having ethical and resilient practices,
22 May 2020
Carpophilus beetle monitoring guidelines
This fact sheet provides information on the carpophilus beetle and best practices for managing and monitoring.
30 August 2019
Australian almond variety – Vela
This fact sheet explores the typical characteristics of the Vela almond variety
30 August 2019
Australian breeding varieties update 2017/18
This fact sheet showcases the best performing selections from the Australian Almond Breeding program.
30 August 2019
Managing food safety risks in almonds
This fact sheet provides information on managing food safety risks in almonds.
30 August 2019
Viruses in Australian almonds
This factsheet explores viruses in almonds and focuses on common pathogens that impact production in Australia.
30 August 2019
Managing mice in Australian almonds
This fact sheet provides information on managing mice in almonds
30 August 2019
Almond Centre for Excellence orchard update
This presentation gives an update of the almond orchard and future project plans
30 August 2019
Australian almond variety – Maxima
This fact sheet explores the typical characteristics of the Maxima almond variety
30 August 2019