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Fact sheet

Managing foliar and fruit diseases in strawberries

This fact sheet summarises the information growers need to know about sustainably managing foliar and fruit diseases in their strawberry crop

30 June 2019

Fact sheet

Managing soilborne diseases in strawberries

This fact sheet summarises the information growers needs to know about sustainably managing soilborne diseases in their strawberry crop

30 June 2019

Fact sheet

Managing sucking pests in strawberries

This fact sheet summarises the information growers need to know about sustainably managing sucking pests in their strawberry crop

30 June 2019

Fact sheet

Transitioning to protected cropping – what are the costs and benefits?

This fact sheet provides growers with a summary of what they need to think about before transitioning to protected cropping

30 June 2019


Australian strawberry good practice guide

This strawberry best practice guide providers growers with key information on managing resources, dealing with pests and how to look after strawberries post-harvest

30 June 2019

Fact sheet

Silicon for strawberries

This fact sheet summarises research into the addition of silicon to strawberry crops

30 June 2019

Fact sheet

Postharvest diseases and disorders of strawberries

This fact sheet provides growers with information on a range of postharvest diseases and disorders that occur in strawberry production

30 June 2019

Fact sheet

Organic strawberries

This fact sheet explores the opportunity surrounding organic strawberries in Australia

30 June 2019

Fact sheet

New technology in strawberry production

This fact sheet summarises a number of technological advancements that have had a direct impact on strawberry production

30 June 2019

Fact sheet

Managing your soil – Taking soil tests

This fact sheet provides growers with step-by-step information on how to test their soils

30 June 2019