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Fact sheet

Bacterial leaf spot of tomato and pepper

Find bacterial leaf spot monitoring and management guidelines for Australian tomato and pepper growers.

31 August 2018

Fact sheet

New Macadamia variety poster

This poster provides macadamia growers with a summary of the four new varieties released to industry and their traits to assist with selection.

31 December 2016

Fact sheet

Variety R fact sheet

This fact sheet provides macadamia growers with a description of the new variety "G" released to industry including information on kernel, tree, disease, processing qualities and nut-in-shell yield.

31 December 2016

Fact sheet

Variety P fact sheet

This fact sheet provides macadamia growers with a description of the new variety "P" released to industry including information on kernel, tree, disease, processing qualities and nut-in-shell yield.

31 December 2016

Fact sheet

Variety J fact sheet

This fact sheet provides macadamia growers with a description of the new variety "J" released to industry including information on kernel, tree, disease, processing qualities and nut-in-shell yield.

30 December 2016

Fact sheet

Variety G fact sheet

This fact sheet provides macadamia growers with a description of the new variety "G" released to industry including information on kernel, tree, disease, processing qualities and nut-in-shell yield.

31 December 2016

Fact sheet

Managing carpophilus beetle in almonds

This fact sheet provides growers with monitoring and attract and kill guidelines, in particular the use of a stonefruit lure. 

30 January 2016

Fact sheet

New breeding technologies for the Australian vegetable industry

This fact sheet provides a global review of available and new breeding technologies and strategies for Australian vegetable growers.

17 December 2018

Fact sheet

Managing the risk of redback spiders in broccoli crops

This fact sheet summarises the risk of redback spider contaminating broccoli crops and strategies to reduce their impact.

31 August 2018

Fact sheet

Managing insect contaminants in processed leaf vegetables: a best practice guide

This best practice guide summarises ways to control insect contaminants and assess their impact in processed leafy vegetable products.

30 May 2016