321-330 of 378 results
Xylella insect vectors (ST19018)
This project is a collaboration between Hort Innovation and Wine Australia through the Plant Biosecurity Research Initiative, to help safeguard Australia against the potentially catastrophic exotic bacteria Xylella fastidiosa.
22 October 2020
Improving on-farm surveillance strategies for tospoviruses and thrips to enhance the biosecurity of the nursery industry (NY19007)
This investment is developing accurate surveillance tools and strategies for the detection of tospoviruses and thrips, to enable rapid responses and reduce impacts in nursery production.
28 July 2020
Dried grape scion and rootstock evaluation program (DG19000)
This investment is facilitating the continued maintenance of existing dried grape scion and rootstock trials.
28 July 2020
Afourer mandarin best practice canopy management (CT19002)
This investment is developing best practice canopy management techniques that will improve long-term yields and minimise alternate bearing in Afourer mandarins.
28 July 2020
High health pre-commercial propagation material for Australian strawberry growers (BS19000)
This investment is producing healthy propagation material for the pre-commercial temperate, sub-tropical and Mediterranean varieties developed through the industry’s national breeding program.
18 June 2020
Development of a biosecurity plan for Australian mushrooms (MU18006)
This five-year investment is responsible for developing the mushroom industry’s biosecurity plan.
18 June 2020
National banana development and extension program (BA19004)
This project is helping the banana industry access and implement new information, technologies and approaches, and make better decisions for their businesses.
18 June 2020
Biosecurity plan for the lychee, papaya and passionfruit industries (MT18006)
This investment is reviewing and combining biosecurity plans for the lychee, papaya and passionfruit industries.
7 May 2020
Review of the biosecurity plan for the nursery industry (NY19003)
This investment is reviewing and updating the Australian nursery industry’s current biosecurity plan.
7 May 2020
Almond Centre of Excellence experimental and demonstration orchard (AL19000)
This project is providing funding for the infrastructure and maintenance needed for the Almond Centre of Excellence experimental and demonstration orchard
7 May 2020