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Fact sheet

Phytophthora diseases - problematic in the nursery and beyond

This fact sheet for growers addresses the addresses the background, life cycle, symptoms, disease management and biosecurity threats relating to Phytophthora diseases in the nursery.

13 July 2015

Fact sheet

Nematodes in nurseries - microscopic worms with major consequences

This fact sheet for growers addresses the spread, symptoms, generic life cycle, types, control, treatments and biosecurity relating to nematodes in nurseries.

13 July 2015

Fact sheet

Mealy bugs - a pest of a different scale

This fact sheet for growers addresses the background, description, life cycle, damage, host range, monitoring and management of mealy bugs.

13 July 2015

Fact sheet

Managing Western flower thrips in production nurseries

This fact sheet for growers addresses the background and general biology, host range and varietal resistance, management, control and monitoring of western flower thrips in production nurseries

13 July 2015

Fact sheet

Managing two-spotted mite in production nurseries

This fact sheet for growers addresses the background and general biology, host range and varietal resistance, control, monitoring and management of two-spotted mite in production nurseries.

13 July 2015

Fact sheet

Managing silverleaf whitefly in production nurseries

This fact sheet for growers addresses the background and general biology, host range and varietal resistance, monitoring and management relating to silverleaf whitefly in production nurseries.

13 July 2015

Fact sheet

Managing green peach aphid in production nurseries

This fact sheet for growers addresses the background and general biology, host range and varietal resistance, monitoring and management of green peach aphids in production nurseries.

13 July 2015

Fact sheet

Glassy winged sharpshooter - a nursery industry biosecurity threat

This fact sheet addresses the background, biology, management and monitoring techniques related to Glassy winged sharpshooter.

13 July 2015

Fact sheet

Fire blight: a biosecurity threat to the Australian nursery industry

This fact sheet addresses the background, host range, symptoms, current and potential distribution, disease cycle and spread, potential impact and protection measures related to Fire blight.

13 July 2015

Fact sheet

Fusarium: a formidable nursery pathogen

This fact sheet addresses the background, detection and diagnosis, life cycle, symptoms, dispersal, disease management and biosecurity relating to Fusarium.

13 July 2015