691-700 of 723 results
Industry Development and Capacity Building using the Nursery Production Farm Management System 2013-2015 - Phase 3 (NY12016)
This project funded a suite of activities to drive nursery industry development and market access based on the Nursery Production Farm Management System.
13 July 2015
Red blue beetle table grape disinfestation research (TG13002)
This project investigated management strategies for accidental insect pest contamination in export consignments of table grapes, with a focus on red and blue beetles, long-tailed mealy bugs and lady bird beetles.
8 July 2015
Carob moth in almonds fact sheet
Learn more about carob moth and its management in almonds with this fact sheet.
1 July 2015
Carob moth monitoring guidelines
Guidelines to assist you make informed decisions regarding the treatment of almond orchards against carob moth.
30 June 2015
Integrated management of yellow sigatoka and other banana diseases in far north Queensland (BA12007)
A yellow sigatoka liaison officer was supported by this project, to assist growers in north Queensland achieve banana leaf disease compliance on a voluntary basis.
15 June 2015
Huanglongbing - a nursery industry biosecurity threat
This fact sheet for growers addresses the background, disperal, host range, symptoms and management techniques relating to the Huanglongbing (HLB) or yellow shoot disease.
13 June 2015
Desktop analysis and literature review of chestnut rot (CH13002)
Information on chestnut rot management options was brought together by this review project, which included a look at the costs and benefits of each disease management approach.
10 June 2015
Evaluate the potential for low-dose methyl bromide as a postharvest disinfestation treatment for citrus (CT14008)
This project investigated low-dose methyl bromide as a potential postharvest disinfestation treatment for citrus, particularly for Murcott mandarins.
15 May 2015
$5.8 million funding boost to benefit Australian horticulture
Media ReleaseThe Hon. Barnaby Joyce MP, Minister for Agriculture, has announced almost $5.8 million in funding for two Horticulture Innovation Australia (HIA) led projects under Round 1 of the Rural Research and Development (R&D) for Profit Grants
5 November 2015
Pests diseases and disorders of babyleaf
This is a guide on how to identify pests diseases and disorders of babyleaf
2 March 2015