701-710 of 723 results
Pests, diseases and disorders of brassica vegetables
This is a field identification guide for pests, diseases and disorders of brassica vegetables.
2 March 2014
Biosecurity Manual for Citrus Producers
This manual highlights simple orchard biosecurity practices for citrus growers.
1 December 2014
Review of phytophthora root rot of chestnuts (CH14002)
This project provided recommendations on Phytophthora root rot management and protection in Australian chestnut orchards.
29 October 2014
Adaptive pest management for horticulture under climate change – pilot pest scoping (VG13029)
The effect of climate change on pest populations and pest management for the vegetable industry was explored in this research, which focused on silverleaf whitefly and diamondback moth.
27 October 2014
A benefit/cost assessment in citrus integrated pest management following the application of soil amendments (CT10022)
This project investigated the use of compost to reduce emergency of citrus thrips from soil as part of an integrated pest management approach
13 October 2014
DArT markers for root rot resistance in pineapple (PI10006)
This project investigated the feasibility of developing pineapple varieties resistant to Phytophthera cinnamomi, which causes root rot.
27 August 2014
Vegenotes fact sheet
This issue of Vegenotes contains information about building codes and greenhouse construction, as well as management of insecticide resistance in the green peach aphid
3 August 2014
Australian sweet persimmon industry development – phase 3 (PR12000)
This project developed the Persimmon Postharvest Manual and also delivered a range of work into pest and disease management, including research into mealy bug and clearwing moth.
25 June 2014
Managing citrus gall wasps in southern citrus regions (CT10021)
The biology of citrus gall wasp and management options for the controlling the pest in citrus orchards were investigated in this research.
24 June 2014
Enhancing market attitudes towards IPM and sustainable vegetable production practices (VG12084)
Consumer attitudes towards sustainable vegetable production practices including integrated pest management (and possible friendly insect contamination) were investigated in this project.
20 June 2014